Customer Testismonial

Today's lesson was such an important one even though we never got in the saddle. Tony says that Stanley is a horse that is full of emotions so this lesson is just what we needed to improve out skills and to stay safe. We moved forward with the 7 games in our lesson by playing them in a more advanced manner. Accepting no grey areas and challenging our horses to be really with us in whatever we do. No grey areas. I have to work the emotion out of Stanley if I want him to be a better horse. Before Tony got there I was circling him at a trot on the 22' line and thought we were doing great. But we were not so great at the canter, something I haven't done much with him but need to do more of. So I moved back to the 12 foot line and when that is perfect I'll move up to the 22'er again. This lesson shows the importance of communicating with our horse through his heart and lungs. I really feel tht we are on the right track with this and it is exactly what we need.

After that, we sent Stanley through the barrels and even over some. I am learning how to move him through them even when he thinks they are going to eat him. To get him to go where you want, you make him feel uncomfortable by bumping his lead until he gives you what you want and then you relax. It requires some strength, muscle memory and knowing where to be, when to be and how to be.
I like cantering and jumping and I see that we need all this ground play before I can be safe doing that in the saddle. It is quite remarkable how Tony knows exactly what you need. This lesson was so tailored to me and my horse and I know we are both going to be better after it.

Thanks Tony


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